Effective Online Training Is About More Than Data—It’s About Storytelling

By Bear Wade, CEO of SalexLMS

When we think about effective online training—especially in large organizations—it’s easy to get lost in the numbers: completion rates, quiz scores, hours spent in modules, and other technical specs. But in my experience, training is about something far more powerful. It’s about storytelling.

Let me share a moment that changed the way I think about training forever.

A few years ago, I was traveling across the country for a client, filming for their marketing team. This was a big company that had just acquired one of its competitors, and like any major acquisition, they were focused on growth and integration. But as I spent time with their employees, I quickly realized they were facing another challenge—internal training and cultural alignment.

One day, I found myself in an elevator at a tradeshow in New Orleans, riding with one of the company’s new hires. As we chatted about the acquisition and his experience, he turned to me and said something that I’ll never forget:

“It was like putting on the bad guy’s jerseys.”

That simple comment hit me hard. Here was a new employee, someone who should be excited about joining a bigger, stronger team. Instead, he felt like an outsider—someone who had been thrown into a company that didn’t yet feel like his own.

That’s when it clicked for me: training isn’t just about making sure new employees know the processes and systems. It’s about making sure they feel like part of the team. It’s about onboarding them into the story—the narrative of who the company is, what it stands for, and how they fit into that bigger picture.

Why Storytelling Matters in Effective Online Training

Think about it. Why do some training programs fail to engage employees? Why do new hires often feel like they’re just going through the motions, clicking through modules without really absorbing the information?

It’s because many training programs are designed around the idea of information transfer—how much data can we get into someone’s head in the shortest amount of time? But the truth is, learning isn’t just about data. It’s about connecting people to the larger story of your organization.

A Case in Point: Winnebago’s Approach to Effective Online Training

Take Winnebago, for example. In their training videos, they don’t just focus on the specs of their RVs—how many horsepower, how much storage, what kind of fuel economy. They focus on storytelling. They encourage their dealers to paint a picture for potential buyers: walk around the RV, imagine setting up a picnic outside, picture your family sitting around the campfire, or rinsing off with the outdoor shower after a long day at the beach.

It’s not about the numbers. It’s about creating a narrative that gets people emotionally invested. When buyers can picture themselves in that story, they become more than just customers—they become part of the brand’s journey.

What This Means for Employee Training

At SalexLMS, we’ve taken this same approach and applied it to employee training.

When you bring a new hire into your company, it’s not enough to teach them the systems and processes. You need to give them the tools to connect with the company’s mission and vision. You need to equip them with the stories that will help them not just do their job, but do it with passion. When your employees feel emotionally connected to the company’s story, they’ll bring that energy into their work—and that’s what drives performance, loyalty, and growth.

The new hire I met in the elevator wasn’t lacking technical training. He was lacking emotional onboarding. He didn’t feel like he was part of the company’s story, and that’s a huge gap that many organizations overlook.

Building a Training Program That Resonates

So, how do you build a training program that connects your employees to your company’s story?

  1. Tell a Compelling Story: Start with your company’s mission, vision, and values. Why does your company exist? What impact do you want to make in the world? Share stories of how your company has made a difference for its customers, employees, and the community. Make sure your employees know where they fit in that story.
  2. Create Engaging Content: Video-based training is one of the most effective ways to engage employees and make your story come alive. At SalexLMS, we build customized, video-based LMS platforms that help companies create compelling narratives for their employees.
  3. Involve Your Employees: Training shouldn’t be a one-way street. Encourage your employees to share their own stories of success and learning. When employees feel like they’re contributing to the company’s story, they’re more likely to feel connected and engaged.
  4. Think Beyond the Data: Metrics like completion rates and test scores are important, but they’re only part of the picture. Pay attention to how your employees are connecting with the material. Are they engaging with the content? Are they able to see how it applies to their day-to-day work? These qualitative measures are just as important as the numbers.

The Future of Effective Online Training

At the end of the day, training isn’t just about getting the technical aspects right—it’s about helping your employees feel connected to your company’s story. When they believe in that story, they become more than just workers—they become advocates for your brand. And that’s what drives long-term success.

If you’re ready to transform your training and onboarding programs into something that resonates with your employees, let’s chat. At SalexLMS, we’re committed to helping companies build customized LMS solutions that don’t just train—they inspire.


By focusing on storytelling, companies can create training programs that do more than transfer knowledge. They can build emotional connections, foster engagement, and drive growth. If you’d like to learn more about how SalexLMS can help you create a storytelling-based training platform, contact us today for a demo.

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