Outsourcing your LMS is more profitable than managing your LMS in-house.

Outsourcing your LMS and working with SalexLMS will save your organization money and create less burnout, all while growing performance.

Reps don’t sell what they don’t understand.

Do you believe building a quality training platform will increase your company’s sales?

1. Accelerates employee development and growth
2. Automate training and onboarding
3. Improves engagement and retention
4. Establishes a sense of purpose for employees
5. Unifies company culture

Outsourcing your LMS is for more than just creating courses.

With In-House LMS

  • One Employee
  • Software Expense
  • Equipment Expense
  • Unknown time until launch.
  • Unknown turnaround time.
  • This leaves your investment vulnerable to failure due to burnout, turnover, and stress.
A list of all of the video, editing and software needed by a company if they weren't outsourcing their LMS with SalexLMS.

We want to utilize and clone your:

  • Sales Enablement Team
  • District Managers
  • Product Managers

to guide us through your best sales practices.

SalexLMS user-interface example on desktop and mobile device

Outsourcing your LMS with SalexLMS

  • Project Director
  • Project Manager
  • Three Video Editors
  • Website Administrator
  • Software Included
  • Equipment Included
  • 90 days to launch.
  • 30-day turnaround time.

    This protects your company’s investment and maintains quality without burnout, turnover, or stress.
Chart of the savings a company can have with outsourcing their LMS with SalexLMS.

Next Steps for Outsourcing Your LMS

  • Book an appointment.
  • We paperwork & invoice.
  • You sign and submit payment online.
  • We book an onboarding meeting.
  • You meet your project manager.
  • We book filming dates.
  • You fill out our onboarding form.

Video-based learning has emerged as a cornerstone of effective training and development strategies in organizations worldwide. As businesses strive to enhance their training programs and streamline operational efficiency, the need for specialized, high-quality learning management systems (LMS) has never been more critical. This is where outsourcing your company’s video-based learning needs to a dedicated service like SalexLMS can make a significant difference. Here’s why.

Access to Specialized Expertise

SalexLMS specializes in video-based learning solutions, offering a depth of expertise that is hard to replicate in-house without significant investment in recruitment, training, and technology. By outsourcing to SalexLMS, your company gains access to top-tier professionals in instructional design, video production, and eLearning technology, ensuring your training content is engaging and pedagogically sound.

Cost Efficiency

Developing and managing a video-based LMS in-house can be prohibitively expensive. The costs associated with hardware, software, content creation, and ongoing maintenance can quickly add up. Outsourcing to SalexLMS transforms these fixed costs into variable costs, allowing for more flexible and efficient budgeting. Companies can save on the initial setup costs and also scale their training programs up or down without the need for significant capital investment.

Enhanced Learning Experience By Outsourcing Your LMS

SalexLMS brings to the table advanced features and functionalities designed specifically for video-based learning. From interactive videos to analytics and personalized learning paths, these features can significantly enhance the learning experience, leading to better engagement and retention rates. The ability to update and improve content continuously also means that training programs can quickly adapt to the changing needs of the business and its employees.

Focus on Core Business Functions

Outsourcing your video-based learning management to SalexLMS allows your company to focus on its core business functions without the distraction of managing a complex LMS. This can lead to improved productivity and efficiency across the organization, as resources can be allocated more effectively towards areas that drive growth and innovation.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your company grows, so do your training needs. SalexLMS provides the scalability and flexibility needed to accommodate this growth, offering solutions that can easily be scaled up or down based on your current requirements. This flexibility ensures that your training programs remain efficient and cost-effective, regardless of the size of your organization or the number of learners.

Security and Compliance

With SalexLMS, you also benefit from advanced security measures designed to protect your sensitive data and ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards. This is particularly important in industries where data protection and compliance are closely monitored and can save your company from potential fines and reputational damage.

Conclusion for outsourcing your LMS

In conclusion, outsourcing your video-based learning management to SalexLMS offers a multitude of benefits, from cost savings and specialized expertise to enhanced learning experiences and improved operational efficiency. By partnering with SalexLMS, your company can not only elevate its training programs but also ensure they are strategically aligned with your business objectives, ultimately driving growth and success in today’s competitive landscape.

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